Are you a fresh graduate who is just leaving college? Are you looking for a reputable job in a relevant industry? All you may need to accelerate in your career is an internship. It gives you confidence and control over the direction of things.

Nonetheless, an internship is only great when it is the right internship. There are different types of internships, and some are higher paying than others. This content explores the possibilities a marketing internshipoffers. Let’s dive right in.

A bit about marketing internships

In this computer and social media age, marketing internships have grown to be one of the most popular choices for industry freshers. It offers inexhaustible opportunities. And you can search the internet for openings and explore them.

Despite how easy it is to secure a marketing internship on the internet, there are different types with unique features. It is important to be aware of the attribute and required work needed for each of the types. You should know what each internship entails to properly execute the duties expected of you if given an opportunity.

Common types of marketing internship

Marketing internships

After reviewing all internship job posts from LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, Monster, and Zip Recruiter, researchers have categorized marketing internships into four main types. These types are;

  • Brand Marketing Internship
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Product Marketing

There are different responsibilities and skills necessary for each unique type. Let us examine each type and explain their skills.

Brand Marketing:

Branding is when a company clearly defines its target audience. The process is crucial for all innovative startups and creative companies. The top companies in the world have great branding, and it is the reason they are on top of their games.

The skills needed for a brand marketing internship include;

  • Problem-solving skills to provide efficient solutions
  • Great communication skills for smooth interaction with colleagues and possible customers
  • Ability to understand the demographics and target audience
  • Analytical skills to measure the performance of strategies or know if there is a need to craft more effective ones
  • Marketing and advertisement skills

The responsibilities include;

  • Provide support to the marketing team
  • Create a presentation and key visuals
  • Assist creative and promotional activities
  • Provide support to the development of plans and strategies

Digital Internship:

Digital marketing internship openings have consistently been on the rise in recent years due to the increased use of the internet. It’s safe to say digital marketing is the next big thing. The skills needed are;

The responsibilities are;

  • Creating content
  • Supporting campaigns
  • Interaction with third parties or online (internet) customers

Social Media Internship

Social media has far-reaching effect on every business that intends to reach its target and achieve set goals. Many businesses are beginning to focus on this and combine it with their digital internship. The skills include;

  • Good communication skills
  • High level of creativity
  • Teamwork

The responsibilities include;

  • Social media management
  • Growing the company’s social media exposure and sales

Product management

As the name suggests, this involves the management and development of products for companies. Skills required include;

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Research competency and data management

The responsibilities of a product management intern include;

  • Providing assistance to the development and management of new products
  • Helping to analyze the performance of a company’s product


Like we mentioned earlier,internship openings are on a quick rise. You can be a part of the development by mastering the skills and responsibilities discussed in this article for the various types of marketing internships.

Post Author: Luna